28. September 2022
Geschrieben von HEUKING

India Business Law Journal: Heuking consolidates its position as “top international law firm for India-related work”

Trade magazine India Business Law Journal recognized Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek as “top international law firm for India-related work” for the ninth time in a row.

For the past 16 years, India Business Law Journal has published an “Intelligence Report” listing top law firms that have successfully concluded Indian-related business in the past twelve months. 600 law firms worldwide were analyzed this year. With its India Desk, Heuking is one of the top 15 “Regional & specialist firms (worldwide)” and therefore among the top national law firms with strong Indian business.

The India Business Law Journal report highlights about Heuking: Dr. Martin Imhof’s team runs an enthusiastic India practice dedicated to securing investments and commercial decisions on the Indo-German circuit. Heuking advised clients from various industries, ranging from steel and automotive to IT, healthcare, agriculture, logistics, and fashion.

India is particularly dependent on international trade. Its share of foreign market transactions has tripled in the last forty years. Regrettably, the record-breaking heatwave this summer has not only jeopardized India’s wheat harvest but, along with the Ukraine war, is putting a damper on what remains an optimistic trend in India’s economic performance after all. “We are pleased with our clients’ continued confidence, particularly in troubled times. We are confident that we will guide them through any crisis with legal certainty,” said Imhof.

For more information on the India Desk, click here.

Click here for the India Business Law Journal ranking.

Für weitere Informationen:
Marion Kortmann
Katharina Sassek 
Laura Gobiet
Kommunikation & Marketing

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
T +49 211 600 55-178
F +49 211 600 55-177

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek ist mit etwa 400 fachlich spezialisierten Rechtsanwälten, Steuerberatern und Notaren an insgesamt zehn Standorten vertreten. Die Kanzlei ist gemäß Juve Umsatzranking 10/2018 eine der zehn umsatzstärksten Rechtsanwaltskanzleien in Deutschland. Zu den nationalen und internationalen Mandanten zählen mittelständische und große Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Industrie, Handel und Dienstleistung ebenso wie Verbände, öffentliche Körperschaften und anspruchsvolle Privatklienten. Informationen zum Datenschutz unter: www.heuking.de Wenn Sie unsere Pressemitteilungen nicht mehr empfangen möchten, dann können Sie sie hier abbestellen​

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